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Aardvarks Rule

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Aardvarks Rule

Why I love aardvarks

Aardvarks fascinate me because of their unique and intriguing characteristics. Their long, tubular snouts, designed for sniffing out insects, are both distinctive and functional, showcasing nature’s creativity. Their nocturnal habits and solitary nature add an air of mystery to their behavior. Additionally, their role as ecosystem engineers, with their digging habits shaping landscapes and providing homes for other creatures, highlights their importance in their habitats. Overall, the aardvark’s quirks and ecological significance make them endlessly captivating creatures to learn about and appreciate.

And why my aardvark loves me

As an aardvark, I find humans quite fascinating creatures. Their bustling activity during the day often provides me with ample opportunities to find insects scurrying about, my favorite delicacy. While they may seem noisy and chaotic, I appreciate the consistency of their routines, which often means predictable food sources for me. Furthermore, their tendency to alter landscapes inadvertently creates new and interesting burrowing spots for me to explore and expand my network of tunnels. Despite being vastly different from me in many ways, humans indirectly contribute to my well-being, making them an intriguing part of my environment.



Aardvark Fan of France
True Aardvark Fan Puerto Rico
Sail GP calendar, colourcoded.

*Schedule subject to change/Challenger Selection Series race format and exact dates yet to be published.

A full map of the 37th America's Cup - Event Layout.